5 Practical Bible Secrets For Your Business Growth

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By CraigNewby

Is it possible to find practical business development tips in the Bible? Does the various teachings of Jesus Christ have anything to do with how a small business operator can take his or her business to the next level?

Have you operated your business for many years now and yet you are still finding it tough getting out of debts? If you want business development secrets that will help you to succeed in business, then you are reading the right article. I will be describing 5 practical bible secrets for your business growth.

Secret 1: Start Small And Grow Big “… and she gave birth to her first born, a son. She wrapped in cloths and placed Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Mark 2:7)

Jesus, the Son of the Living God arrived this world and chose a manger as His birth place! What a way to start for the One who owns the earth and its fullness thereof!

I want you to know that in business, there is a starting point. Never mind when you have a poor or little start. You need to put in effort to grow the business. Jesus started from the manger and rose to become the One whose name is above every other names

(Philippians 2:9).

Your little company today can become a great one tomorrow. Therefore, you should never be scared of starting small. You should also not lose courage when it seems things are not working the way it should.

Practical Tips

Most aspiring entrepreneurs wrongly think starting a business is the ticket to running a successful business. The truth of the matter is that beginning your business on a small scale is the better strategy to achieving enduring success.

PZ Cussons Plc, the giant producer of quality personal care products started off by shipping palm oil, palm kernels, cocoa, seed cottons, ground nuts, as well as animal hides and skins to the United Kingdom. This activity gave them the opportunity to gain the needed experience in doing business profitably in Africa.

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Secret 2: Let The World Know About Your Business

“… and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the Child was” Matthew 2:9

The wise men needed to locate Jesus, the Saviour of the world that had just been born into the world but they had no idea of where His place of birth was. God provided Jesus as a solution to the world’s problem. The same God came to the rescue of the wise men by making a star to announce the birth of Jesus and also led the wise men to where He was (Matthew 2:10).

When you have provided a solution to a problem, package it and please let the world know about it. This is the only way they can do business with you. I am sure you know that your business improves when lots of people know about and patronise your products and services. How do you make the people to know about you and the problem you have solved? This is through well-targeted marketing activities. Properly done marketing activities will draw people to your location just like the star brought the wisemen to the birth place of Jesus.

Practical Tips

Production is not complete if the product your business is offering does not reach its customers. The brains behind BOC Group Plc understood this and in an effort to ensure efficient and effective distribution of its gas in 1887, they started granting licenses to independent companies throughout Great Britain to produce oxygen under its process.

In the 50s, they also built tonnage plants on or close to customer sites. Customers had an opportunity to know about their products and this did a lot of good to their business.

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Secret 3: What Is Your Dominant Business?

“she will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21)

Jesus came to this world with a ‘dominant profession’ – to save His people from their sins. He never lost focus of this major assignment. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, quenched the thirst of the thirsty and taught both the old and the young about the kingdom of God. However, His major assignment of saving His people was always His top priority.

Your business should have a dominant assignment right from inception. You need to define it before you start or you redefine it if you have lost focus.

Practical Tips:

Intel Corporation, reputed to be the largest semi conductor manufacturer in the world devoted much attention to their leading product – micro processors. This helped greatly during the depression they faced in the middle 1980s. The main product remained highly profitable and it helped to bring back the company to life in all areas .

Secret 4: Your Poor Background Does Not Matter

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel… ” (Micah 5:2)

The Lord Jesus, Saviour of the world came from the small town of Bethlehem.

Bethlehem, according to the Bible passage above was small among the clans of Judah. Well, the good news for you from this is that the small town of Bethlehem produced the great messiah that would save the world from sin!

No matter how humble your background is or how financially weak you are, you can still launch out into a business and grow it to become a force to be reckoned with in the business world.

If Bethlehem produced the messiah, then you can also do exploits in business, your background not withstanding.

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Practical Tips

Chris Gardener, the founder of Gardner Rich & co. – a multi-million dollar stock brokerage firm in the USA has very humble beginning. Born as the only son in a family of twelve children, his first few years were filled with nothing but difficulty and uncertainty.

Today, Chris heads a flourishing brokerage firm and is presently busy working on what he considers the biggest deal of his career – he is setting up an investment venture in South Africa which will go a long way to net him large profit on a consistent basis.

Secret 5: Are You Doing The Right Things

“After the feast was over, while His parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it” (Luke 2:43)

Is it not interesting to note that Joseph and Mary got themselves involved in so much activities that they were unaware that little Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem after they had left. The Bible says “they thought he was in their company and travelled for a day before they realised their mistakes” (V44).

They were without Jesus (a gift to the world ) for a day!

Do you get yourself involved in so many activities that will not do any good to your business? It is high time you had a rethink and get settled to do only things that will improve your business.

Practical Tips:

Huge success in business comes when you must have established your business as an expert in an area. For you to develop this needed expert position, you must be focussed and continue to do what you are best at doing.
Some years ago, Reckitt Benckister – the world’s largest household product maker ensured they only acquired related businesses while selling off its fire fighter business which were not related to its core business